What Is the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic?

The Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is a new one of a kind weight loss “tonic” supplement. It helps men and women burn fat fast using a simple 20-second Japanese tonic.

 Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is a dietary supplement and stomach burner. It contains important nutrients to support metabolism, support a healthy inflammation response, maintain healthy digestion, energy and overall vitality.

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is a formula based on the diets and daily drinking habits of the inhabitants of Okinawa, a Japanese island where men and women have higher than average life expectancies.

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is a powder that you can easily add to your morning drink of water or juice.

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The Creator Of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic:

The Creator Of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic - Stomach Burner

He is Mike Banner, a firefighter and a brother of Susan who had a near-death experience. She was out of shape and had a sudden heart attack that frightened him and the whole family. The experience made him do everything to help his sister survive as she was given an ultimatum to lose pounds in a short period of time or she will permanently be at risk of a sudden heart attack.

Good thing they were able to meet Dr. Tamaki, a cardiologist from Japan who informed them about what’s really causing storage of excessive fats in the body. That even if she strictly follows a diet or exercise program, she will never lose weight if she had high levels of a particular protein. The doctor then taught them about the secret formula to the tonic which Mike Banner developed later on.

How Does The Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic System Work?

When you purchase Okinawa flat belly tonic, you will be able to download Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic guide in pdf format which will take you to step by step through the 21 days program. You will be provided with everything you need to know and do for 21 days, including the list of ingredients to make the powerful tonic and other delicious recipes including smoothie variations that will aid in your weight loss transformation. You are required to take the tonic before 10 am daily to maximize the results.

Simple instructions are there that are beneficial for everyone. Anyone can have Okinawa flat belly tonic. There is no age restriction. The product has no side effects. There is no involvement of harmful chemicals in the process.

The product enhances the metabolism of the body naturally. It controls the CRP levels (CRP is the protein which increases the risk of your health by storing excess fat and blocks the body metabolism). All the nutrients present in the course helps to burn fat efficiently and reduces weight.

You should understand that the program main concern is to give you foods that taste great and at the same time are good for you. But the program also explains how nutrients will help you lose weight and improve your health. It gives you more than 100 recipes that include:

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Vegetarian options
  • Smoothies
  • Teas
  • Tips about how to eat healthily
  • Intermittent fasting
  • Sleep
  • Stress
  • Hormones

When you drink this tonic once a day before 10 AM:

  • You burn fat cells every night – resulting in breath-taking weight loss that astonishes those around you
  • Your food is transformed into energy that surges through every cell in your body
  • You become as sharp as a razor blade as your brain lights up
  • You start to look as much as ten years younger than your real age
  • You can clean out dangerous plaque from your arteries
  • You activate your powerful stomach burner.

In Okinawa, Japan, doctors recommend a special formula of foods and herbs that instantly activate dormant fat-burning hormones. When you do the same, you’ll burn fat cells very fast without exercise, no matter your age…

Patients of all ages from 18 to 80 years old would melt away belly fat in a few weeks. What’s more, they’d reverse their symptoms of diabetes type 2, lower blood pressure and cholesterol and improve heart health.

And that’s not all because 95% of these patients experienced improved brain and memory performance and greater energy levels.

In the experiments, scientists discovered a super powerful food substance called anthocyanins. Foods and drinks with high levels of anthocyanins are red cabbage, green tea and spinach…

What Are The Ingredients Of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic?

The ingredients are all-natural and are shown below: 

What Are The Ingredients Of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic? - Stomach Burner

Pros And Cons Of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic:


  • The program is 100% natural and safe, it has no side effects
  • It stabilizes blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
  • It is a powerful Stomach Burner
  • Money-back guarantee.
  • It gives you the body transformation that you need without strenuous exercise or extreme diets.
  • Lifetime membership
  • Available at an affordable price
  • It is designed to work even for people of age 80.
  • Increases your energy levels and makes you look younger.
  • It destroys fat cells
  • It will help you tone your arms, legs, and belly
  • The herbs and spices blend present in this tonic promotes natural weight loss and also supports metabolism.
  • It will give you an energy boost


  • It is only available on The Official Website.
  • Pregnant women can’t follow this guide
  • Results may vary from person to person
  • You should follow the guide to lose weight and improve your overall health

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